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Are you ready to...

  • Relieve your stress

  • Discover your favorite yoga poses

  • Gain more mobility and flexibility

  • Develop a perfect-for-you home practice

  • Experience warm and genuine accountability and support

  • Enhance your ability to move through life with ease

You experience all of this when you work with me.

I will geek out (with you) as you learn about your body and gather your favorite relaxation practices. â€‹


Now offering in-person and virtual yoga lessons

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Private Yoga: My Classes

 “It's amazing how well you connect over video during the virtual private session. It feels just like you're in the room with me. From helping me get set up with the camera to focusing on how I'm moving my body as you guide me through movements. It's amazing how much it feels like you're right there. Plus the fact that I save an hour in commute time - I love virtual sessions! Thank you for offering this to me as a client. You're the greatest!”
- Amanda

Private Yoga: Testimonials
Private Yoga: Video


How long are the lessons?

Lessons are 60-90 minutes.


How much are the lessons?

$100 - $150, depending on the length of your lesson.


Where do we meet?
Three options:

1. Virtually through Zoom (best if you live outside of Tulsa).

2. In your home, worksite, or gym

3. Yoga studio

Private Yoga: Text

It's okay if you can't touch your toes.
You don't need fancy yoga clothes.
Your body will make noise; the body is just noisy.

Private yoga lessons are a salve for your busy and full home and work life. Leave all the planning up to me; you don't have to plan or think up a practice. You also don't have to avoid yoga because of your injury or sport-specific needs - we will find the best variations for you.

Please fill out the private yoga inquiry form below to schedule a 15-minute call and make sure we're the right fit. I will get back to you within 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends.

I look forward to speaking with you!

Private Yoga Inquiry
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